
Montessori Harbor Mesa Preschool

The Montessori method gives great importance to the pupil’s formative years. During that time a skilled teacher will recognize the pupil’s intense interest in certain subjects and exercises. Before the age of six, children generally display a special interest in sensorial impressions of color, sound, shape and texture. Proper training materials encourage this and develop discrimination and identification between shades of colors, kinds of sounds, a vast variety of textures, sizes, quantities, dimensions and names of shapes. Dr Montessori refers to students as “young explorers” who will refine and educate their senses for the visual, tactile, auditory and stereognostic.

Reading is introduced within the language-sensitive period, usually birth to six years. math starts with textured sandpaper numerals. At the age of 3 to 3½ years, math starts with textured sandpaper numerals. At 4 to 4½ years, art, culture, science, history, geography and foreign language are introduced. One of the secrets of Montessori is the discovery that the child has a mind able to absorb material. The method emphasizes unlimited learning ability while encouraging self-discipline and self-direction.”


Practical Life Exercises




Social Studies